Learn to Draw a Jack-O-Lantern (or Halloween Pumpkin!)

Welcome to October! The spooky season is upon us!

When I was nine years old, I began learning English as a second language in school in Brazil, and that is when I was introduced to the concept of Halloween for the first time. We read a book named "Jack-O-Lantern", which fascinated me with the idea of a pumpkin-headed creature coming to life. It was both exciting and scary! Since then, I have never forgotten how magical it all felt, and I want to share the same spooky magic with you.

As a Halloween treat, here's a step-by-step guide to drawing a Jack-O-Lantern.

You only need a pencil, eraser, and paper to draw this Jack-O-Lantern.

Can you follow the six steps and add the orange lines as instructed?

Once done, feel free to colour and render the pumpkin in any way you like; you can use colouring pencils, markers, crayons or any other materials you already have.

Happy Halloween!