Learn to Draw a Jack-O-Lantern (or Halloween Pumpkin!)

Welcome to October! The spooky season is upon us!

When I was nine years old, I began learning English as a second language in school in Brazil, and that is when I was introduced to the concept of Halloween for the first time. We read a book named "Jack-O-Lantern", which fascinated me with the idea of a pumpkin-headed creature coming to life. It was both exciting and scary! Since then, I have never forgotten how magical it all felt, and I want to share the same spooky magic with you.

As a Halloween treat, here's a step-by-step guide to drawing a Jack-O-Lantern.

You only need a pencil, eraser, and paper to draw this Jack-O-Lantern.

Can you follow the six steps and add the orange lines as instructed?

Once done, feel free to colour and render the pumpkin in any way you like; you can use colouring pencils, markers, crayons or any other materials you already have.

Happy Halloween!

To-Do or Ta-Da?

To-Do or Ta-Da?

To-dos can be a chore, but I invite you to start making a Ta-Da list!
Your Ta-Da list will help you track your accomplishments during the day or week and give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back. Why? You may ask. This is important because we often overwhelm ourselves with tasks and believe we haven't accomplished anything. By writing down what you have completed, you will realise that you have done more than you think. So, try it out and see how it works for you.

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